
Category:Into the frame

Insights into portrait shootings and techniques of the Munich portrait photographer, Steins Pictures - Daniel Schubert. Includes location tips, lens handling and composition.
Selbstportrait des Fotografen Daniel Schubert Stein in München 2021 auf Cinestill t800 in einen Spielgel hinein.
19. October 2023

Pentax 6×7 and why we get attached to things that made it difficult for us

About the Pentax 6x7, my struggles with it, and why the things causing us troubles in the first place, make us appreciate them even...

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5. August 2023

Why you need an assistant, if you’re a mobile studio photographer

How studio photography differs from available light and the advantages of having an assistant as a photographer doing headshots on location.

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Aufnahme aus dem Kaffeemaschinenverkaufs Betrieb Davide Constanza in München, geschoßen von dem Businessfotograf und Reportagefotograf Daniel Schubert aus Bayern.
9. April 2023

How to choose a photographer

How can you find the perfect photographer for your project? Considering rates, editing style, checklists and where to find professionals.

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9. January 2023

Canon RP in 2024: Ambitious on a budget

Is a Canon RP recommendable in 2024, how has the camera performed in three years of use, and is it worth it for another...

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Annouk Portraitfotograf Portrait geschossen in München von dem Fotografen Daniel Schubert
4. November 2022

The good, the bad and the ugly Feedback in Portrait photography

Why it's important for photographers to get feedback, where to get it, and the pros and cons of Facebook and Instagram.

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19. September 2022

What portrait photographers can learn from movies

Which inspirations portrait photographers can collect from movies, especially in storytelling, and where it is worth taking a closer look.

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5. February 2022

How to showcase your first exhibition and what I learned

About my first exhibition, what went well, what I learned, what I will do differently in the future and whether it was a success.

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Tipps wie du als Portraitfotograf deine Freunde und Familie besser fotografieren kannst.
20. January 2022

How to pose and photograph portraits of your loved ones

Some of the most valuable pictures might just be portraits of family and friends. Here's some advice for creating timeless mementos.

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20. January 2022

Getting sharper Images in your photography

Blurred images for photographers are annoying and often easy to avoid. Let's go over the most common reasons and solutions.

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1. November 2021

How perfectionism slows you down and why you should make mistakes

When fear of failure is disguised as perfectionism, what that means, how best to deal with it and why gut feelings can be wrong.

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